Powered by Cincopa Video Hosting for Business solution.HomePage Videos for the homepage bitrate 10105 kb/s height 1080 duration 00:00:54.01 fps 23.98 width 1920 originaldate 2015-03-30 01:52:32
Submitted Shadow Art
Powered by Cincopa Video Hosting for Business solution.Shadow Art Man Submitted by Giles Clarke originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 1500 height 1000 Ink Shadow Submitted by Samson Mnisi originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 537 height 878 Projection in NYC originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 480 height 640 Ink Shadow Submitted by Samson Mnisi originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 527 height 851 Ink Shadow Submitted by Samson Mnisi originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 529 height 860 Shadows of NYC Submitted by Taku Nishimae flash 16 cameramake Apple height 2448 dir : 209 alt : 10 lat : 40.728722 long : -73.998358 camerasoftware 8.0.2 originaldate 12/13/2014 7:55:15 PM width 2448 cameramodel iPhone 6 Ink Shadow Submitted by Samson Mnisi originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 497 height 907 Ink Shadow Submitted by Samson Mnisi originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 296 height 908 Ink Shadow Submitted by Samson Mnisi originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 506 height 886 Projection in NYC originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 467 height 622 Projection in NYC originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 480 height 640 Projection in NYC originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 480 height 640 Ink Shadow Submitted by Samson Mnisi originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 514 height 772 Projection in NYC originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 480 height 640 Projection in NYC originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 480 height 640 Dog's Shadow cameramake NIKON CORPORATION height 3013 flash 24 originaldate 1/30/2010 3:56:17 PM width 2060 cameramodel NIKON D5000 Shadowy Nights cameramake Canon height 2848 flash 16 originaldate 9/8/2012 3:04:43 PM width 4272 cameramodel Canon EOS DIGITAL RE Buddhiscian Submitted by Cannon Hersey cameramake Canon height 1020 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 10/4/2009 6:56:24 PM width 1433 cameramodel Canon PowerShot G9 Buddhiscian Submitted by Cannon Hersey flash 16 cameramake Panasonic height 1039 orientation 3 camerasoftware Ver.1.0 originaldate 12/3/2008 7:18:47 PM width 1458 cameramodel DMC-FZ30 Buddhiscian Submitted by Cannon Hersey cameramake Canon height 1489 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 10/4/2009 6:55:49 PM width 1989 cameramodel Canon PowerShot G9 Shadow Colors originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 1536 height 2048 Shadows of NYC Submitted by Taku Nishimae originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 1774 orientation 1 height 1774 Fire Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 1000 height 667 Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 2448 camerasoftware iPhoto 9.5.1 originaldate 1/2/2015 7:14:53 PM width 2448 cameramodel iPhone 6 Plus Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3264 orientation 1 camerasoftware iPhoto 9.5.1 originaldate 1/8/2015 8:47:52 PM width 2448 cameramodel iPhone 6 Plus Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3264 camerasoftware iPhoto 9.5.1 originaldate 1/8/2015 8:47:22 PM width 2448 cameramodel iPhone 6 Plus Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3264 camerasoftware iPhoto 9.5.1 originaldate 1/8/2015 8:58:11 PM width 2448 cameramodel iPhone 6 Plus Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 3264 camerasoftware iPhoto 9.5.1 originaldate 1/8/2015 8:56:44 PM width 2448 cameramodel iPhone 6 Plus Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 2448 camerasoftware iPhoto 9.5.1 originaldate 1/8/2015 9:18:29 PM width 3264 cameramodel iPhone 6 Plus Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 1000 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Came originaldate 6/15/2012 10:14:23 PM width 1333 cameramodel iPhone 4S Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 1000 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Came originaldate 6/15/2012 10:14:32 PM width 1333 cameramodel iPhone 4S Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 1000 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Came originaldate 6/15/2012 10:25:30 PM width 1333 cameramodel iPhone 4S Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 1000 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Came originaldate 6/15/2012 10:23:29 PM width 1333 cameramodel iPhone 4S Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 1000 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Came originaldate 6/15/2012 10:17:48 PM width 1333 cameramodel iPhone 4S Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 1000 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Came originaldate 6/15/2012 10:23:37 PM width 1333 cameramodel iPhone 4S Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 1000 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Came originaldate 6/15/2012 10:09:48 PM width 1333 cameramodel iPhone 4S Shadow Submitted by Giles Clarke flash 16 cameramake Apple height 1000 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Came originaldate 6/15/2012 10:23:43 PM width 1333 cameramodel iPhone 4S Leaf Shadow Shadow caused by the 1945 atomic bombing originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM height 3354 width 4292 orientation 1 camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Shadow Drawing Submitted by Donald Layne originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 720 height 960 Shadow Drawing Submitted by Donald Layne originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 720 height 960 Shadow Submitted by KURODA originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 278 height 381 Shadow Submitted by KURODA originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 278 height 347 Shadow Submitted by KURODA originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 248 height 374 Shadow Submitted by KURODA originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 274 height 336 Shadow Submitted by KURODA originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 274 height 330 Machine Shadow Shadow caused by the 1945 atomic bombing originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 640 height 491 Man & Shadow Shadow caused by the 1945 atomic bombing originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 350 height 559 Man On Steps Shadow caused by the 1945 atomic bombing originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 960 height 915 Projections At Atomic Dome originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 362 height 450 Shadow Of Grass Shadow caused by the 1945 atomic bombing originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 800 height 599 Step Shadow Shadow caused by the 1945 atomic bombing originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 778 height 902 Wedding Shadow Submitted by Rebecca in Japan originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 2448 height 3264
Shadow People Project is the evolution of ideas inspired by experiences of the survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and their overwhelming desire to protect the world from the horrors inflicted upon them. This serious responsibility has become the foundation of a global peace movement. Through youth workshops and education programs, Shadow People Project brings the peace movement to the forefront of the public imagination in Japan, the USA and around the world.
If your one of the schools looking for the Rising Out of the Shadows program, please click the picture below to go to that page.